viernes, 27 de marzo de 2009

About me

I´m an early riser, my productive time is in the morning.
i think tastes and value reveal personality, so i´ll consider them more truthful than just blah blah blah.
i enjoy all types of music, i like good increscendos ending into climax but i can really enjoy moonlight sonata of Beethoven. My four season favourite is "Winter" by far.
i like russian literature like dostoiesvky and chejov but i enjoy too masters of technic as borges or cortazar or flower of consciusness as Arlt.
i like every food, i enjoy the view, the taste and the texture.
I tend to be intense and authentic.
I believe in freedom and personal responsability.
I do not use people and do not like being used.
i believe that all suffering is self imposed and that men true moral end is the pursue of his happiness.
I cannot divorce who i am from what are my values cause i try to live according to them and that my thought and actions are a reflection.
i do not believe that the body is the prison of the soul and that paradise is given in the afterlife or that abuses can be forgiven and erase by the judgement of one who did not suffer the abuse who´s forgivement is asked for.
i love life, to breath, run, create and think. i believe that all starts with an idea, a thougnt.

1 comentario:

Ele dijo...

En realidad quería felicitarte por el post anterior (De la condena de muchos y el aprovechamiento de pocos)
Una muy acertada critica, si me preguntan a mi.

PD: te comento en este ultimo post porque creo que es el que vas a chequear primero